Tuesday 29 September 2015

Mini Dental Implants

No More Slipping Dentures

Have you been told you weren't a candidate for regular dental implants? Are you tired of dentures that slip, tilt, or wander? Mini implants provide strength and stability by anchoring your dentures, eliminating movement as well as trapped food. They are placed in one visit and are virtually painless. You can eat the same day you receive them, and no longer need to worry about taking your dentures out at night. Dr. Holness also restores conventional implants.

Bowie Dental Wellness  
Eijah Holness, DDS  
15231 Hall Road, Suite 103  
Bowie, MD 20721  
(301) 390-1300  

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Diabetes and Your Mouth # 6: Floss Every Day

Flossing helps control plaque. It can reach where a toothbrush can't, like between the teeth. Floss daily with floss and interdental cleaners that carry the American Dental Association (ADA) seal. Ask your dentist for tips if you're not sure how to floss. Like everything else, flossing gets easier with practice.

The above article is from: WebMD.com

Bowie Dental Wellness  
Eijah Holness, DDS  
15231 Hall Road, Suite 103  
Bowie, MD 20721  
(301) 390-1300  

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Diabetes and Your Mouth # 5: Brush Daily, Brush Right

Brushing your teeth twice a day not only keeps your breath sweet, but also helps rid the mouth of bacteria that makes up plaque and can lead to oral infections. To brush properly, point bristles at a 45-degree angle against the gums. Use gentle back-and-forth strokes all over your teeth -- in front, in back, and on chewing surfaces -- for two minutes. If holding a toothbrush is hard for you, try an electric toothbrush. Also brush your gums and tongue.

The above article is from: WebMD.com

Bowie Dental Wellness  
Eijah Holness, DDS  
15231 Hall Road, Suite 103  
Bowie, MD 20721  
(301) 390-1300  

Post-Treatment Care & Tooth Extractions

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about post-treatment care for tooth extractions.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Bowie Dental Wellness  
Eijah Holness, DDS  
15231 Hall Road, Suite 103  
Bowie, MD 20721  
(301) 390-1300  

Saturday 12 September 2015

Dental Anesthesia

A Virtually Pain-Free Numbing Experience

Let us introduce single-tooth anesthesia or the STA System™. The STA System uses the Wand™, a computer controlled anesthesia delivery system that provides immediate, pain free dental anesthesia for all injection types. This allows us to numb a specific area. If we need to numb one tooth, for example, we can. In only one or two minutes. It has revolutionized dental anesthesia by taking away the pain, anxiety, and stress associated with conventional syringes. For those who have fear of needles, this delivery system has been proven to be pain free in administration and throughout the treatment.

Bowie Dental Wellness  
Eijah Holness, DDS  
15231 Hall Road, Suite 103  
Bowie, MD 20721  
(301) 390-1300  

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Diabetes and Your Mouth # 4 : Keep Plaque at Bay

Sticky plaque -- food, saliva, and bacteria -- starts to form on your teeth after you eat, releasing acids that attack tooth enamel. Untreated plaque turns into tartar, which builds under gum lines and is hard to remove with flossing. The longer it stays on your teeth, the more harmful it is. Bacteria in plaque causes inflammation and leads to gum disease. Having high blood sugar often makes gum disease worse.

The above article is from: WebMD.com

Bowie Dental Wellness  
Eijah Holness, DDS  
15231 Hall Road, Suite 103  
Bowie, MD 20721  
(301) 390-1300  

Dental Tourism

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about the risks and additional costs associated with dental tourism.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Bowie Dental Wellness  
Eijah Holness, DDS  
15231 Hall Road, Suite 103  
Bowie, MD 20721  
(301) 390-1300  

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Teeth Grinding (also known as Bruxism)

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about teeth grinding also known as bruxism.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Bowie Dental Wellness  
Eijah Holness, DDS  
15231 Hall Road, Suite 103  
Bowie, MD 20721  
(301) 390-1300  