Thursday 5 January 2017

January Edition: New Year, New You, New Smile!

You may have heard the saying “New Year, New You.” But have you ever considered a New Smile? Every year we make resolutions and set personal goals to be healthier, more organized, get out of debt, etc.  With a new year underway, what better time to commit to becoming a better version of yourself? And why not start with a brighter, healthier smile? As we say at Bowie Dental Wellness, your smile is well worth it. The good news is that you are not alone; let us help you kick off your fresh start in 2017! Here are some simple habits to start with.

Top 5 Smile Goals

·      Brush for 2 minutes 2x per day.
·      Floss at least once per day.
·      Use a mouth rinse, such as Listerine or Crest Pro-Health, 2x per day to reduce the number of bacteria that cause bad breath and gum disease.
·      Chew sugarless gum (i.e. Orbit or Trident) after meals when brushing is not possible.
·      Ask about your treatment plans and schedule your next appointment.

#smilegoals2017 #bowidentalwellness #newsmile